Over the last year, we have established a number of regular services beyond our Sunday morning service. Not everyone might be aware of them yet! So, here is a current overview.
(We also update our website calendar monthly.)
Wednesdays, 8:30 AM
Morning Prayer on Zoom (ca. 30 minutes).
The link to the Zoom meetings is published monthly in our newsletter, the STB e-News. If you do not receive this newsletter yet, but would like to, please get in touch with us at info (at) anglican-church-hamburg.de.
In person at Zeughausmarkt:
Thursdays, 12:00 PM
Mid-week Service
Holy Communion (BCP), said service (ca. 30 mins, with optional tea and coffee time after the service)
Please always double-check the calendar for the mid-week service, because while we do offer this service regularly, there are occasional gaps when it does not happen.
Sundays, 10:30 AM
Sunday Service
Choral Eucharist – with Junior Church!
Every third Sunday of the month, 03:30 PM
Choral Evensong
With the STB Choir or, on occasion, a visiting choir.