Could you help sometimes with Junior Church?

If you think you might be interested, please get in touch. JC is held during each Sunday morning service, and we are very keen to recruit and train additional helpers so that we can keep this important ministry going for our children of primary school age. 

(Currently, we only have three regular helpers, and this is simply not enough to cover each week!)

So, please have a think about it, and if you have any questions talk to Nissi Marapatla, our JC leader. You will be supported, and can choose the weeks when you are on duty to assist. 

Thank you!

Countdown to 2023 Church Bazaar

Yes, just over one month left until the annual STB Bazaar (Saturday 18th of November, 11.00-17.00)!

You can download the flyer HERE.

All your favourite stalls, delicious food from around the world, and a couple of surprises too! Plus, a big push to ‘go green’ – using paper and wooden items on the food stalls instead of plastic (and if you want to join the initiative, bring your own plate, mug and cutlery with you from home, or re-usable containers for take-aways. Thank you.) 

If you have time on your hands, we still need your help with the preparation: just contact Eric Lord (in case you don’t have Eric’s email address, please send a note to and we will get you in touch with him). The more the merrier!

Baking for the cake stall and café is always needed; plus items for the British produce stall. And, if you want a free work-out on the day, please stay on for 15 minutes after the bazaar closes, to help us put all the furniture back into position for the next morning. The ‘pew moving team’ is lead by churchwarden Christian Nweze.

The Bazaar Team ’23 looks forward to hearing from you.