Becket News out
It's been a while, but there's finally a new edition of our chaplaincy magazine, Becket News, with news from our church and the wider diocese. You can read it online or download it here.
It's been a while, but there's finally a new edition of our chaplaincy magazine, Becket News, with news from our church and the wider diocese. You can read it online or download it here.
On Sunday, 1 December at 6.30 p.m. the Anglican Consort will be singing our annual Advent Carol Service, with readings and Advent music, including by contemporary female composers. Of course, there will be carols to join in, too. Do come along - and wrap up warm!
As many of you know, last year our STB card-recycling project once again raised a total of 6,000 Euros (including a generous donation from the former Hon. British Consul Claus Budelmann.) The team is once again in full swing for 2024, preparing high quality Christmas and greetings cards for sale at the Bazaar, Victorian Christmas Market and various other…
The Third Sunday before Lent
The Second Sunday before Lent
Our main service is the Parish Eucharist (Holy Communion) on Sundays at 10:30 am. You can find further information about this and all other services here.
In Hamburg, as in many churches in the Diocese, the minister is called the chaplain. Our Chaplain is Revd Jules A. Barnes. For details of how to reach her and our churchwardens, please see Contact.
St Thomas à Becket Church is entirely reliant on donations and money raised through events to cover costs. Please help us continue to provide Christian ministry in English in Hamburg.