Church reopening: when and how?

The Chaplaincy Council met on 6 May (via Zoom) and discussed the reopening in the context of the guidance received from our Bishops and what is permitted in Hamburg. Although churches may open, there are very strict conditions set. The Council therefore decided that the church will stay closed until the beginning of June to allow for proper preparation.

Fr Pete Wright is still our locum until the end of May, however, and will continue until then to film services together with members of the congregation and post them here: see church online.

There is a small group of people working on what we need to do to reopen the church. We will let you know as soon as we can when that will be and how we are going to do it.

#stayconnected: Who would you like us to pray for?

As many of you know, we have been offering Compline/Evening Prayer on Zoom since the lockdown started and continue to do so every Saturday at 7pm. If you haven’t joined us yet, you can do so any time, simply by getting in touch with Yotin.

But, we are also aware that meeting on Zoom is not something for everyone. If you cannot join us online, but would still like to offer a prayer (for example for a specific person in your life or for a group of people or anything really you’d like to pray for), we are happy to include it on your behalf during the shared prayers part of our Evening Prayer.

Simply contact Yotin and Arwen at and they’ll make sure your prayer request gets included.

Corona Hardship Fund Appeal

Dear Website Visitor

We are aware of a number in our community who are experiencing extreme financial hardship at this time. We are appealing to those who can, to make a special donation to the church account so that some financial support for the purchase of basic necessities can be provided.

Donations made to the church account marked ‘Spende – Hardship Fund’ will be used to provide provisions for those in very urgent need.

For anyone who donates regularly to the church, this amount will be added to the annual donation  for the annual tax (Spende) certificate. For others, a Spende certificate can be provided for amounts >€100 if name and address is provided.

Questions about this appeal can be sent to

Thank you for your generosity.

The Wardens and Council of St Thomas à Becket Church

#stayconnected: Read (say, sing) through the psalms in a month

An invitation by our choirmaster Yotin Tiewtrakul to join our Zoom Evening Prayer (every Saturday at 7pm), and a suggestion to read (or say or sing!) through the Psalms from 1 to 150 in a month:

Psalms in a month according to the Book of Common Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer divides the psalms into sections for the thirty days of the month. So for example for Day 1 the appointed psalms are Psalms 1-5 for Morning Prayer and Psalms 6-8 for Evening Prayer.

  • Day 1: Psalms 1-5 / Psalms 6-8
  • Day 2: Psalms 9-11 / Psalms 12-14
  • Day 3: Psalms 15-17 / Psalm 18
  • Day 4: Psalms 19-21 / Psalms 22-23
  • Day 5: Psalms 24-26 / Psalms 27-29
  • Day 6: Psalms 30-31 / Psalms 32-34
  • Day 7: Psalms 35-36 / Psalm 37
  • Day 8: Psalms 38-40 / Psalms 41-43
  • Day 9: Psalms 44-46 / Psalms 47-49
  • Day 10: Psalms 50-52 / Psalms 53-55
  • Day 11: Psalms 56-58 / Psalms 59-61
  • Day 12: Psalms 62-64 / Psalms 65-67
  • Day 13: Psalm 68 / Psalms 69-70
  • Day 14: Psalms 71-72 / Psalms 73-74 
  • Day 15: Psalms 75-77 / Psalm 78
  • Day 16: Psalms 79-81 / Psalms 82-85 
  • Day 17: Psalms 86-88 / Psalm 89
  • Day 18: Psalms 90-92 / Psalms 93-94 
  • Day 19: Psalms 95-97 / Psalms 98-101
  • Day 20: Psalms 102-103 / Psalm 104
  • Day 21: Psalm 105 / Psalm 106
  • Day 22: Psalm 107 / Psalms 108-109
  • Day 23: Psalms 110-113 / Psalms 114-115
  • Day 24: Psalms 116-118 / Psalm 119 (verses 1-32)
  • Day 25: Psalm 119 (verses 33-72) / Psalm 119 (verses 73-104)
  • Day 26: Psalm 119 (verses 105-144) / Psalm 119 (verses 145-176)
  • Day 27: Psalms 120-125 / Psalms 126-131
  • Day 28: Psalms 132-135 / Psalms 136-138
  • Day 29: Psalms 139-141 / Psalms 142-143
  • Day 30: Psalms 144-146 / Psalms 147-150

Maybe you’d like to just jump in and follow this ancient practice? If you just pick one time during the day to read (or say or sing) the appointed psalms you can of course do Psalms 1-8 on the first day etc. What to do when a month has 31 days? How about reciting one or two of your favourites? Those which really spoke to you?