Please pray for our confirmands

Bishop Robert will be taking the service on Sunday 17th November at 10.30, both preaching and presiding on this significant occasion.

We have three adult candidates, and seven juniors this year, and they have all been preparing since soon after Easter: meeting to learn more about God, the Bible, Christian doctrine, our Anglican church and liturgy. It has been a rich and joyful time, and we wish each one of them well as they take this next step forward in affirming their faith, and also receive the sacrament of their first holy communion. 

A reminder as the Confirmation becomes imminent, that no photography or video recording during services is permitted. Notices to this effect are displayed all around the church, but after a while, they do tend to become just ‘part of the wallpaper’! This is a general rule, and any potential exceptions must be discussed in advance with the Chaplain, along with receiving the permission of all those likely to be recorded. This applies to any recording, and whether or not you may intend to publish it on any sort of social media platform. When it comes to music, we are subject to performing rights and copyright considerations, and the Data protection and safeguarding rules are there to protect us all. So, please respect the privacy, property and wellbeing of others, most especially when you are in church. Thank you.