
More Australians in town! Free concert in the HafenCity 7 July.

Our Chaplain Fr Matthew has found some reinforcements!

On Sunday, 7 July at 7:00 pm the Australian Chamber Choir under the direction on Douglas Lawrence will be giving a concert entitled BRIDGE OF DREAMS at the Ökumenisches Forum HafenCity, Shanghaiallee 12-14, 20457 Hamburg. The theme is bridge building between the old and new world and this is reflected in the music that will be performed. The choir itself represents the multi-cultural society that Australia has become, with both professional and amateur musicians.

The concert is sponsored by the Rolner Stiftung in support of the Ökumenische Forum. Entrance is free but donations for the work of the Ökumenische Forum will be gratefully received.

After the concert there is a chance to meet members of the choir in Café ElbFaire.

Please do support this event and encourage others to come along. Our Chaplain will be there!

Tudor Evensong

Choral Evensong is one of the treasures of the Anglican tradition. Since the 400th Anniversary in 2012, STB has held monthly Evensong services some with visiting choirs.
This Saturday, 29 June 17:00 there will be a 'Tudor Evensong' with music by Orlano Gibbons. It will be divine – do come! (The service lasts about an hour).

Reminder! Special Family Service followed by picnic

The Parish Eucharist 16 June at 10:30 will be a family service especially for children. Our visiting ordinand Anthony O'Grady from the Community of the Resurrection at Mirfield will preach. The service will be followed by a picnic.

Families with children are especially welcome, even if you have not been to church before.

Sweet Lovers Love the Spring!

On Sunday 16 June at 17:00 Ensemble Magnificat and friends will be performing European Madrigals, Dances and Poems as a Summer concert. Entrance is free, but a donation to support fees for professional soloists for future concerts would be very welcome.

Karen Bergquist Lüth, Traverso
Karsten Köppen, Theorbo
Iain Preston, Recitation
with Ensemble Magnifcat directed by Anna Ubbelohde and Yotin Tiewtrakul

Do come and enjoy!

Archbishop Justin preaches at the Aldeburgh Festival

This year is not only the bicentennial of Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi, but also the centenary one of Britain's outstanding composers Benjamin Britten. Britten founded the now world famous Aldeburgh music festival. Archbishop Justin Welby preached at Aldeburgh's St Peter and St Paul church – where Britten and his partner, the tenor Peter Pears, are buried – taking as his theme Britten's War Requiem which set the poems of World War 1 poet Wilfred Owen to music.

Click here to listen to an excellent sermon on the subject of human conflict.

“Life is infinitely complicated and putting God into the middle of it does not make it less so. Don’t expect easy answers because God is around. But taking God out of the picture does not make life simpler or easier either. Rather, doing that reduces life to the chaos and bitterness and evil that is all human existence in some ways,”

Calling all families and the musically minded

Sunday 16 June offers a full programme.

The Parish Eucharist at 10:30 will be a family service especially for children. Our visiting ordinand Anthony O'Grady from the Community of the Resurrection at Mirfield will preach. The service will be followed by a picnic. Prayers for good weather, please!

Then at 17:00 there will be a concert to raise money for the choir's acitivities. The concert is free, but it is hoped those who attend will be moved to donate to this worthy cause!

Sea Sunday

Today 9 June was Sea Sunday. It was also the day 35000 motorbikes hit Hamburg for the annual bikers service.
For those who did not make it to church today, here is the Service Sheet with notices.