
Kirchentag Dresden 1-5th June 2011

For those interested in attending the 33rd Deutscher Evangelisher Kirchentag there is a special price deal going if you can commit before 13th March – so hurry and make up your mind.

Price for all days/full program: 89,– Euro/Person incl. public transport.

Bus 52,– € per person, leaving in front of the Michel Church on Wednesday, 1st June.

Complete price for bus, (private) accommodation) and ticket: 160,– € per Person.

If you are interested, or require further information, please contact Birte on email fischer_birte(at)

To secure a place you need to give Name/Address/Telephone/Date of Birth.

Deadline is 13th of March.

And you might like to note that Kirchentag 2013 will be in Hamburg.

Wanderers off to Schwerin

This month's walk on Saturday 12th March will hopefully take the Wanderers to Schwerin – locomotive driver strikes permitting.

Rendezvous outside the Reisezentrum at Hamburg Hbf by 10.05 to catch 10.26 train to Schwerin. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Group tickets will be purchased and costs shared. Do be punctual – it is school-holiday time and the train will probably be busy. Anyone arriving late should go straight to the platform.

The walk will be approx. 10 km. Please bring a picnic lunch, and the sun!

Note: due to the train drivers strikes, arrangements will be confirmed by Cicely on Friday, 11th by email and posted on this website, so if you are planning to come please let Cicely know – contact details on 'Wanderers' under 'Activities'

Making Lent Meaningful

Since our friends in Cologne are busy carnivalling, this can only mean one thing – Lent will soon be upon us.

This year's Bishops' Lent appeal focuses on prayers and fund raising efforts for Uganda to raise awareness and money for three projects in the Ugandan Diocese of Luweero, on the northern shores of Lake Victoria, which has firm links with the Diocese in Europe.

For other ideas on how to tackle Lent visit the
CoE website on Lent.


Prayers for Malta and Libya

For those of us living in the security of Northern Europe, the turbulence in North Africa may seem far away. But the conflict involves real people, many of whom are now fleeing their country to neighbouring regions.

Many from Libya have fled to nearby Malta, where the people are having to cope with a huge influx of refugees.

Bishop Geoffrey has sent out a letter requesting prayers for the victims and for those involved in having to deal with the humanitarian crisis. Let them be assured of our prayers.

Dates for your diary

A reminder that the deadline for the next edition of Becket News is 16th March.

Also to note is the AGM to be held 3rd April.

A Lent course 'A Rich Inheritance' is planned. Please let a Churchwarden (see About US – Contact page) know if you are interested in joining (in order to order the right number of texts).

Change over time!

On Sunday we bid farewell to Tony Rutherford who has been the locum Chaplain since 15th January, and on Sunday we welcome our next locum David Ratcliff.

Tony Rutherford's ministry has been much appreciated. Even in just a few weeks he has managed to get to know many people in the congregation and City. He has instigated the habit of a group post-eucharist Sunday lunch, which may well continue!

David Ratcliff, who arrives this week joined by his wife Gillian, is no stranger to St Thomas Becket, having been our Archdeacon until his retirement to Kent.
We look forward to welcoming them both to Hamburg. David Ratcliff will be serving as locum Chaplain until 14th March.