Kirchentag Dresden 1-5th June 2011

For those interested in attending the 33rd Deutscher Evangelisher Kirchentag there is a special price deal going if you can commit before 13th March – so hurry and make up your mind.

Price for all days/full program: 89,– Euro/Person incl. public transport.

Bus 52,– € per person, leaving in front of the Michel Church on Wednesday, 1st June.

Complete price for bus, (private) accommodation) and ticket: 160,– € per Person.

If you are interested, or require further information, please contact Birte on email fischer_birte(at)

To secure a place you need to give Name/Address/Telephone/Date of Birth.

Deadline is 13th of March.

And you might like to note that Kirchentag 2013 will be in Hamburg.