
Chaplain's address at service to mark 70th Anniversary of the fire-bombing of Hamburg

St. Katharinen Kirche was packed on 4 August as people gathered to recall the terrible events of July/August 1943. The scars that remain remind us of the constant need to work for peace and reconciliation. Drawing on parallels between the conflict between Australia and Japan, the Chaplain in his address challenges us to work towards ensuring 'Operation Gommorah' never happens again while reminding us that in many parts of the world people still have to face the destruction of war.

A copy of the address given by the Revd Matthew Jones can be found

It's a Boy!

We join with millions across the world in congratulating the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, on the birth of their son and echo the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, 'May God bless this family with love, health and happiness in their shared life ahead'.

Picnic in the park

At last there is something we can call summer! To celebrate the Wanderers will be holding their traditional July Shared Picnic Lunch in the Stadpark following a walk through the park to the Pinguin Brunnen.

Meet at the exit from the Hudtwalcker Strasse U1 station at 11am. with food to share, something to drink and something to sit on.

If possible please let Cicely know if you plan to come, so that she can look out for you at the msutering point, though not essential.,

Contact details: 040/86 07 90; mobile; 0162 635 93 98