Wanderers heading for Glückstadt

The next outing for the Wanderers is Saturday, 9 February for a wander from Krempe to Glückstadt via Borsfleth and the Deich (ca 12km). We muster In front of Reisezentrumat Hamburg-Altona Fernbahn station at 10.15 am to catch the 10.37 train. We shall buy one or more Schleswig-Holstein tickets and divide the cost equally.

Please let Cicely know (Tel: 0162 635 93 98) by the evening of Thursday,7th, if you plan to come. Please wear suitable clothes and footwear and bring a picnic lunch. Eileen knows a good place for Kaffee u. Kuchen

Return by train from Glückstadt to Hamburg. Trains dep at 39 and 49 mins past each hour