
New Churchwarden

Following Deborah Ockert's resignation as churchwarden, we are pleased that Phil Zeni was duly elected unopposed last Sunday to servce as churchwarden until the next AGM.

We are very grateful to Phil for his willingness to step into this important role and offer our good wishes and prayers of support.

We are also indebted to Deborah for her enormous commitment to the church over many years and thank her for doing so much, so diligently, to support the life of our church.

A Swedish Weekend – 29-30 Sept-

This weekend we Extend a Welcome to Oscars Stämmor, the choir of Oscars Church Stockholm who will be performing
Himmelen inom (Heaven within) – a Swedish Folk Mass by Anders Nyberg. Tickets available at the door from 19:00. Concert 20:00 – ca 21:00.

The choir will be joining us for the Harvest Festival Service on Sunday at 10:30 which will include a baptism.

The Anglican church and the Church of Sweden are in communion with each other through the Porvoo Agreement.

Embassy Singers from Berlin

This Saturday, 22 September at 20:00, there will be a concert given by the Embassy Singers from Berlin entitled appropriately for this year Jubilee: Royal Music Across the Centuries.
Tickets are available at 10/15/25€ at the door or in advance at the usual concert ticket distributors.
We Extend a warm welcome to our friends from Berlin who will also be singing at Choral Evensong on Sunday 23 September at 17:00.

Nearly 1000 visitors!

Just under 1000 people visited the church building on Nacht der Kirchen to enjoy a varied programme that culminated in the Lord's Prayer being spoken in many languages.

Our thanks to everyone for coming and for all helpers who made this event such a success, and particularly to Debbie who coordinated it all!

Nacht der Kirchen – Night of the Churches

On Saturday 15 September, Hamburg's churches will collectively be opening the doors to visitors with a varied programme of events. STB is among them. Do join us from 16:00 for a Choral afternoon with guests from the acappellica festival (Gospolitans, Vokalexpress, Monday Monday). Then at 19:00 there will be a Choral Evensong. For the full programme which runs until midnight, click here.

Services for September – October

Services for September and October are to be found on the Services page. Harvest Festival will be on 30 September when we will be joined by Oscars Stämmor choir from Oscar's church Stockholm. The series of Choral Evensong continues. We will have a Evensong with the President of the Mothers' Union preaching on 23 September.
And don't miss Nacht der Kirchen with Choral Evensong 15 September.
Do come and join us!

Choral Evensong with Hamburger Bachchor St. Petri

Saturday 25 Augist 17:00-18:00 STB is honoured to have the Hamburger Bachchor St. Petri as guest choir for Choral Evensong. The choir conducted by Thomas Dahl has for over 15 years built up reportoire of Anglican music through collaboration with Geoffrey Holroyde, previously Choirmaster of Chapter House Choir, Coventry Cathedral. Please do come and join this Choral Evensong, one of the absolute joys of the Anglican tradition.

A busy weekend in Hamburg

This weekend will be especially busy in Hamburg with a cycling event and Cruise Days expected to draw in some 1,5 million visitors!! We hope that some of these will find there way to church on Sunday. Regulars are advised to set off early!