
Church Bazaar on 19 November

This year’s church bazaar will take place in the church on Saturday, 19 November from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Bazaar is a much-loved and integral part of the church calendar. Visitors and the worshipping community get together on the day to buy foodstuffs, handicrafts, handmade Christmas cards; browse the extensive and newly-refreshed English-language bookshop, and more. And to enjoy food from many nations, or a cup of tea in the cafe.

All proceeds go to charity, that is to the upkeep of the church and its work.

You can download the flyer here

This week’s additional opening times and service

Our church building will be open again this Tuesday from 17.00 – 20.00 and on Thursday from 11.00 – 15.00 to anyone who wishes to come in and pay their last respects to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The open book of Condolence will also still be available. Please note that on Thursday there will also be a short Eucharist at 12:00, with special prayers for Her Majesty.

‘Rest eternal grant, O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon her.’

It is with the greatest sadness that we hear of the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll. Truly the end of an era, and of a great life of selfless service. The official announcement confirms that she passed at Balmoral Castle, this afternoon, Thursday 8th September.

Our Anglican Church building here in Hamburg (Zeughausmarkt 22, 20459) will be open over the next few days, so that anyone who so wishes can come in and pay their last respects. An open book of Condolence will also be available, should you want to leave a short personal written message. At this juncture I can tell you that the church building will be open tomorrow, Friday 9th September between 08.30 and 12.30 and 17.00 and 20.00. Also on Saturday 10th September, 10.00 and 17.00.

Her Majesty was loved and respected the world over and by very many here in the city of Hamburg and environs. She was also Supreme Governor of the Church of England, and a woman of strong personal faith. We pray now for her family, the peoples of the Commonwealth and all who are mourning her loss, wherever they may be. If you wish to post a message in the Church of England online condolences book, you can do so here:

Revd Jules A. Barnes, Chaplain, Anglican Church Hamburg

Photo credit: PRESS ASSOCIATION / Danny Lawson.

STB tour of the Hamburg Library (Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg), with director Robert Zepf

Saturday 24th September, 11.00 – 13.00.

A real treat! This is a private tour, with documents of particular relevance to the history of the English and the church in Hamburg, and the chance to ask Robert questions about his job, and faith.

Registration in advance is essential: please sign up on the list in church, or contact the Chaplain directly to book your place(s). All are welcome, but capacity will be limited.

Tales & Tunes – A literary and musical journey on 22 September – Register now!

British Isles – Sagas and Legends – 22 September at 6:30 pm at the Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr

A literary and musical journey into the world of sagas and legends. Let yourself be enchanted by Celtic traditional sounds, fiddle music and songs!

Your guides: Jon Mortimer on the grand piano, Ian Mardon on the violin, Dylan Vaughn on the guitar, Vera Tacke on the cello, Lydia Struck and Jörg Gerhard with their bagpipes from the St. Pauli Pipes & Drums.

Guest: Baritone Richard Morrison from Scotland

TICKETS: 35,00€ incl. drinks & snacks. The proceeds of the evening will go to the Soldatenhilfswerk der Bundeswehr e.V. Please register by email by 15.09.2022 to