
The Arts Society of Hamburg presents the Church Record

Some of you will remember reading about the Church Recording project, organised by The Arts Society of Hamburg, whereby a small group of volunteers has recorded the contents and features of the inside of St Thomas à Becket in Hamburg to a high professional standard. The end result is a large, wonderfully bound book, which will be presented to the church after the morning service on Sunday 25 June.

This Record is the culmination of approximately 5 years’ work and its presentation has been delayed by Covid and by the church being closed in the winter as far as services were concerned. During the course of the research many interesting historic facts came to light as the team documented the memorials, metalwork, internal stonework, woodwork, textiles, pictures and documents.

We (the group of volunteers) very much hope that as many of you as possible will come along to this presentation and view the Record, which will thereafter be the property of the church.

A more detailed article will appear in the next Becket News giving you some background and history in respect of Church Recording.

Pat Pledger
(Co-ordinator of the Church Recording Team)

Would you like to be confirmed by the Bishop this year?

If you feel that St. Thomas is your church, and you would like to learn more about your faith, this could be the thing for you; and a real affirmation and blessing, as you affirm your commitment.

There will be a course of preparation (around six sessions), with the topics of God, the Bible, worship and Anglicanism and plenty of opportunity to explore both your questions and doubts. You can potentially be confirmed at any age, so this is an invitation to adults as well as younger people too.

Please get in touch with the Chaplain (chaplain (at) to express your interest, or to ask for further details. 

Invitation to sign up for the STB Lent course 2023

This year’s course will be based around the film ‘The Theory of Everything’ (2014, about Stephen Hawking.) As part of each group sessions we will watch clips from the film (technology permitting), but please do view the film in advance too if you wish. 

The course is organised to run over the five weeks of Lent, and will consist of 1. a group meeting each week in Zeughausmarkt, AND  2. a short daily Bible passage and reflection for you to undertake as individual devotion, for each day inbetween. All materials provided. 

The Lent course group sessions will be offered on Thursdays AND Sundays in Zeughausmarkt 22 (upstairs in the warm room), with a maximum of 8 places in each – ie 16 places in total. Pre-registration is required, please email chaplain (at) to register.

Save the Date: World Day of Prayer Service

Theme: ‘I have seen your faith’ (Ephesians 1:15)

On Saturday 25th February at 15.00, we will hold a World Day of Prayer worship service in Zeughausmarkt 22. The host country this year is Taiwan.

You are warmly welcomed to attend, learn more about Christianity in Taiwan, as well as explore this year’s theme. Christian groups from churches across Hamburg attend this service, and it is a good opportunity to share stories across the board.  

Advent Prayers for Peace in Ukraine – 7, 14 and 21 December (online)

The Diocese in Europe offers Advent Prayer services to pray for peace in Ukraine on three Wednesdays this month: 7, 14 and 21 December at 18:30 (06:30 PM) Central European Time.

You can either join by Zoom (please see the details below) or follow the services via a live stream on YouTube at the following link:

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 849 0420 1394

Passcode: 127875

Order your Christmas cards in aid of our church – on sale now

We have been producing Christmas cards by recycling used cards in aid of the historic English Church of St Thomas à Becket for over 30 years. After the success of the last two years’ online sales of these popular cards we are repeating the online ordering option this year alongside physical sales. Motifs range from religious and nativity scenes, winter landscapes, robins, Christmas scenes, animals, humorous, and other festive themes such as wreaths, flowers candles, etc. The double cards, complete with envelopes, are 148 x 110 mm and have a Christmas and New Year greeting in English and German.

Cards can be ordered using this Order Form or by telephoning Judith Holst. However, cards will also be on sale at various events this year giving you the opportunity to choose your motifs personally. Please come to our Church Bazaar on 19 November 2022 from 11:00 – 17:00 hrs, visit our stand at the Victorian Christmas Market on 26 + 27 November 2022 from 11:00 -18:00 hrs or purchase your cards after the Sunday service from 20 November until 18 December 2022.

Calling all cake makers: ‘Carols and Cakes’

This year we will be having a new Christmas carols ‘sing along’, with the choir to lead us, and just as importantly, an interval for tea and home made cakes. Appropriately this offering is called ‘Carols and Cakes’, and it will take place on Sunday 4th December at 16.00.

So, first of all, please invite anyone who likes to have a good old sing at Christmas time to come – there will be opportunity to request your favourites.

And then, if you could make and bring along a cake, please get in touch with Wendy Sprock in advance, to let her know. Ideally we want large cakes that can simply be cut into slices/pieces. (No scones please.) And on the day, we will of course also need helpers to set up before the service, and to serve the refreshments too. Thank you. Please let Wendy know if you can bring a cake on 4th, as soon as you can.