On 11 November 2017 the Church Wanderers will be walking round the Außenalster as we did in November last year. We meet at 10:30 in Dammtor Station in front of the Deutsche Bahn Reisezentrum. This is a short walk to suit the cold, dark time of year and will take 2 to 3 hours, depending on how often we feel the need to eat or drink something warming on the way! Please mail Nicki – nicki.schiller (at) gmx.de – by 10:00 p.m. on 10 November if you would like to come.
Please note that the December walk will be on the third Saturday in the month, on 16 December, so that we don’t clash with the Nine Lessons and Carols Service at the Church on the 9th.
Reformation +500
Today the German Lutheran church marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, when Martin Luther published his 95 theses in Wittenberg protesting against the sale of indulgences.
The profound difference in opinion on the understanding of justification – how humankind can be reconciled to God in Jesus Christ – was the fundamental issue which divided the Church in the West during the Reformation.
At a special service at Westminster Abbey in London today, the Archbishop of Canterbury presented copies of a text supporting an agreement resolving the theological dispute behind the Reformation to the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation.
Read more on the Church of England website or click here for the full text of the Joint Declaration.
Filmabend: “Englands Heimliche Hymne – Land of Hope and Glory”
Friends of Britain e.V. bittet seine Mitglieder und interessierte Gäste zu einem Filmabend in St Thomas Becket. Wir freuen uns, dass der Journalist und (Film-) Autor Axel Brüggemann im Anschluss an die Filmvorführung zum Gespräch bereit steht. Getränke und ein Imbiss sind erhältlich.
Weitere Details finden Sie unter: http://friends-of-britain.de/veranstaltungen/
Wandering through the purple heather
On Saturday, 9 September the Church Wanderers will be walking in the Lüneburger Heide from Buchholz to Büsenbachtal. The walk is 11 kilometres through forest and heath where the heather should still be in full bloom. We aim to eat our sandwiches whilst enjoying the view from the top of the Brunsberg (129m) and have time to enjoy the legendary cake at the “Schafstall” in Büsenbachtal before taking the train home.
Meeting point in front of the Reise Zentrum at the Hauptbahnhof at 9:50. This gives us time to get group tickets if necessary .The journey is within the HVV Gesamtbereich. We will take the RE4 to Buchholz (via Harburg) which leaves at 10:15 and arrives at Buchholz at 10:37.
Anke will be leading the walk and we are really looking forward to seeing you. Please mail Nicki – nicki.schiller (at) gmx.de – by Friday, 8 September if you want to join us.
British Flair 2017
It’s that time of the year again!
British Flair is taking place at the Hamburger Polo Club Klein Flottbek this weekend (4-6 August), offering a mixed bag of activities and stalls as usual.
For more information on this year’s programme please visit the official British Flair website at http://www.britishflair.de/British-Flair-Hamburg-Welcome.html
Evensong cancelled
Tonight’s Choral Evensong has been cancelled due to the disturbances connected with the G20 Summit.
St John’s College Chapel Choir, Durham at Ecumenical Forum
St John’s College Chapel Choir from Durham University in the UK will be singing at the Ecumenical Forum Hafen City on Monday, 10 July from 13.00hrs to 13.45hrs. There will be a very short Andacht from 13.00 to 13.15, during which they will sing a special item, followed by a 30-minute recital of sacred music from the Tudor period to the present day.
Tudor Evensong tonight
This evening, Friday 30 June, at 6 pm our own Anglican Consort, directed by Yotin Tiewtrakul, will be singing Choral Evensong with all pieces by Tudor composers. Music includes Gibbons: Almighty and everlasting God, Gibbons: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis from the Short Service and Sheppard: In manus tuas. Our Chaplain, Revd Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel, will be officiating. Come and join us as we pause at the end of the week for some meditative calm and beautiful music!
Condolence letter to Bishop Robert – Bishop Geoffrey Rowell
Father Leslie and his wife Julie have shared their condolence letter regarding the death of Bishop Geoffrey Rowell to Bishop Robert with us:
Dear Robert,
The news of Bishop Geoffrey’s death came as a shock to both of us just as we were setting off on a short family visit to Bangalore in India. The informality of this response is owed to these circumstances.
We join the many who, having had the privilege of knowing Bishop Geoffrey and being blessed by his ministry, now mourn the loss of this great churchman, theologian and episcopal leader. He retained his very special humour and touched the lives of so many people, in so many ways and in so many different contexts.
For me, Leslie, he was an inspiration in particular in respect of the work relating to the Orthodox world. He was furthermore a prophetic voice of solidarity for Christian communities across the world who suffer persecution and oppression. He understood the pain of their situation. One of his key biblical verses in such situations was: we share with you in Jesus the persecution, and the kingdom and the patient endurance (Rev. 1.9).
I, Julie, remember him from his visit to St. Catherine’s Church in Stuttgart while still Bishop in Europe and from a very well received lecture on the Oxford Movement to theological students in Tübingen University a couple of years ago.
We thank the Lord for the life of Bishop Geoffrey; a witness to the love of God. We know him to be in God’s eternal kingdom of justice and love. May he rest in peace in the glory of God.
Warm regards as usual
Remembering Bishop Geoffrey Rowell
The Right Reverend Dr Geoffrey Rowell, who was Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe until 2013, died peacefully after a short illness on Trinity Sunday at the age of 74. The Diocese in Europe has posted a tribute on its website at the following link: http://europe.anglican.org/news/news/post/1274-tributes-to-bishop-geoffrey-rowell-rip
You might remember Bishop Geoffrey’s sermon at the 400th anniversary service for our church in 2012. If you would like to listen to it again in his memory, you can do so on our STB400 website: http://400years.anglican-church-hamburg.de/events/service-of-thanksgiving-400-years-anglican-church-in-hamburg/