Please join us on YouTube again for this fifth Sunday of Easter:
Category: Sermons
Sermons and other service formats
Fourth Sunday of Easter – Virtual Service
Please join us on YouTube again for this fourth Sunday of Easter:
Third Sunday of Easter – Virtual Service
Please join us on YouTube again, for this third Sunday of Easter:
Second Sunday of Easter – Virtual Service
Please join us on YouTube again, for this second Sunday of Easter:
Easter Day – Virtual Service
Please join us this in celebrating this Easter Day with the help of our virtual service, again put together by Father Pete and made possible with the support of his wife Penny and many contributors from the congregation – enjoy and Happy Easter, everyone!

Good Friday – Virtual Service
Father Pete invites you to again come together as a community online and attend his virtual service for Good Friday:
Maundy Thursday – Virtual Service
A Message from Father Pete.
Unfortunately, we can’t meet together in the church today. Please use this Youtube link to join us at 07:00 pm today (9 April, 2020). YOU CAN USE THE LINK AT ANY TIME, but knowing that all the Christians at St.Thomas’ are worshipping at the same time adds a powerful dynamic to the notion of “community.”
As you recall, it is on this day that we commemorate Jesus washing the feet of his apostles It was also the day he left us Holy Communion, that special encounter with the Divine. Therefore, I would like to suggest a way to make the Maundy Thursday online liturgy more alive and “hands on,” especially if you have children. Involving children’s senses helps them to more easily understand, feel, and retain what is being taught. And guess what: sensory is also good for adults!
Here’s what to do!
1) Before Thursday, get a large bowl big enough into which your foot will fit.
2) Get a pitcher into which you will put some warm water prior to the service.
3) Get a towel.
4) Designate someone in your household who will WASH feet, and someone whose feet will BE washed. Or you can wash each other’s feet!
1) Get a piece of bread and place it on a dish.
2) Get a cup or glass for each person who will be present.
3) Get some wine or grape juice (in a pinch, any juice will do)
Since we cannot share in the Eucharist (Holy Communion) that day, we will instead have an “agape” meal, where I will explain what happened at the Last Supper. The elements you will have before you and that you will eat and drink will be a reminder of fellowship and happiness that comes from knowing, loving and serving Jesus.
Fr. Pete Wright, Chaplain
Palm Sunday – Virtual Service
A message from Father Pete:
Unfortunately, we can’t meet together in the church today. Please use this Youtube link to join us at 10:30 today (5 April, 2020). YOU CAN USE THE LINK AT ANY TIME, but knowing that all the Christians at St.Thomas’ are worshipping at the same time adds a powerful dynamic to the notion of “community.”
Many people from St. Thomas’ have participated in preparing this liturgy. For their hard work, we thank them. The Lord has blessed us to have them and all of you in our congregation.
Mothering Sunday 2020 – Watch the recorded live stream / listen to the sermon here
Dear All,
As many of you already know, Father Pete with the support of his wife Penny live streamed the Eucharist on our Facebook page this morning. A recording is now also available on YouTube here:
Father Pete has also separately recorded the Gospel and his sermon again, to be found here:
We would like to thank him wholeheartedly for bringing the church into our homes during these difficult times.
Gospel reading and sermon for 15 March – Third Sunday of Lent
Dear all,
in lieu of our regular Sunday service our locum priest, Father Pete, has prepared a recording of today’s Gospel and his sermon for you to listen to online.
The video is embedded below and can also be found here.