Don’t miss our wonderful concert!

Tickets are still available for our fundraising concert ‘Magic and Myths’ in the church on Wednesday, 18 September at 19:00.

The concert features the Austrian-born soprano Christina Gansch and bass baritone Martin Hässler, both accompanied by Sholto Kynoch, pianist and director of the now world-renowned Oxford Lieder Festival which he established.

‘Magic and Myths’ celebrates the ‘glittering ballads and expressive songs’ of Carl Loewe, as 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of Loewe’s death. Though perhaps not a household name today, Carl Loewe was in his day a prolific and brilliant song composer with an astonishing gift for storytelling and for composing profound and beautiful lyric songs. He deserves to be better known. The artists will also be performing songs by Robert and Clara Schumann and Franz Schubert.

Tickets for the concert cost €50, which includes post-performance refreshments, and can be ordered by email to

Bible study in April

Bible studies will be held on 5 and 12 April at 1730 hrs at the Chaplain’s flat. These studies are geared to Christians seeking a deeper engagement with their faith. Please let the Chaplain or one of the churchwardens — Madeleine Resühr or Susanne Hergoss — know if you are interested.

Monteverdi-Chor on Palm Sunday

‘Passion trifft Weltschmerz’ is the title of a concert on Palm Sunday, 14 April at 1800 hrs by the renowned Monteverdi-Chor Hamburg directed by Antonius Adamske. The programme juxtaposes Antonio Lotti’s ‘Crucifixus’ and the ‘Stabat Mater’ by Domenico Scarlatti with two song cycles: Johannes Brahms’ ‘Fünf Gesänge’ opus 104 and Felix Mendelssohn’s ‘Lieder’ opus 41. Tickets cost €18 or €25 and are available from Konzertkasse Gerdes and other ticket agencies, online from or, or subject to availability on the door.

New Becket News published

The latest edition of Becket News, our chaplaincy magazine, is out. Read about our 180th anniversary exhibition and meet a special visitor to our Remembrance Sunday service. Meanwhile, our churchwarden Madeleine goes on a quest to locate Henry Canning’s body. You can read or download the latest edition here.

Advent & Christmas Services at St Thomas Becket

As well as our usual 10.30 service on Sundays, December sees two carol services, the children’s nativity play and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. The first is a service of lessons and carols for Advent with our own chamber choir, the Anglican Consort, this Saturday, 1 December at 18.30. Our traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols is on Saturday, 15 December at 18.00. You can find details on the flyer.

Church Wanderers in Kiel

It is now time to sign up for the long-awaited August walk on Saturday 11 August!  This is an outing to the coastal area round Kiel, brilliantly organized by Lee Shaw and offering plenty of walking, pleasant breaks and even the possibility of a ferry ride on the Kieler Förde.
MEETING POINT:  Hamburg Hauptbahnhof in front of the Deutsche Bahn Reise Zentrum.
TIME:   9:10  to allow time to get economical group travel tickets
DEPART HAMBURG:  9:43 on the RE70
ARRIVE KIEL HAUPTBAHNHOF:  10:55  Here the Wanderers meet Lee and take a bus to Strande where the walk begins. In case of delays on the day,  Lee can be contacted on his mobile phone: 0157 84083232.
PLEASE BRING:  Food and drink for the journey to Kiel and something for lunch if you don’t want to buy refreshments on the walk.  Additional bus and ferry fares may come to an estimated 8 Euro.
RETURN HAMBURG: 2 trains leave Kiel for Hamburg every hour , but what time the group gets back to Kiel Station depends on the walking pace, the length of the breaks and the choice of alternative routes, but probably not before evening. There is so much to see and enjoy and up to three hours good walking, so it is definitely worth the time invested!
Please phone Nicki Schiller (04104 6999266 or 0176 30393063) if you would like more details of the walk, and let her know by Friday 3. August, if you plan to come, so that she and Lee can coordinate the arrangements (nicki.schiller at