Is bigger always better? Is being small being a failure? What does it mean to be a small church community? On five evenings in January and February we are going to “visit Bethany”, the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, the siblings who welcomed Jesus in a simple way. For more information about the Small church Reflection Meetings, please download the PDF.
Month: December 2014
Carol Service this Saturday, 13 December
Our service of nine lessons and carols is on Saturday 13 December at 6pm, followed by refreshments. Please come to this very popular service and bring your friends.
Carols and hot chocolate on 5 December
Because we can't sing ALL the carols and songs at our traditional carol service, Mothers' Union is inviting us again for sing-along Christmas carols on Friday 5 December at 6pm. As if that weren't enough to give you a lovely warm feeling, there'll be hot chocolate on offer, too. Admission is free, but donations to church funds are welcome.