Wanderers off to Schwerin

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern here we come – on Saturday 13th November the Wanderers will be off on a 10km walk around Schwerin.

Please meet at 10 a.m. Hamburg Main Station by the Travel Centre to organise group tickets for the 10:24 train.

The walk will commence in the Castle Grounds to the Fauler See, and along the lake where we have our picnic lunch (please bring one). In the afternoon there will be opportunities for shopping or sightseeing in the old city. On a previous visit we found a cosy bakery for coffee and cake in the Schelfstadt district, where the decor and service were in original DDR style.

Return on the 16.06 or 18.06 train (maybe in two groups) to arrive in Hamburg at 17.33 or 19.33 respectively.

Please contact Stuart (contact details on Wanderers page under Activities) if you plan to join.

The Hindu interview: Dialogue for me is recognition of the serious

During his recent visit to India, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gave an extensive interview to 'The Hindu'. In it many topics are covered from issues to do with the state of the Anglican Communion, relations with the Roman Catholic Church, women bishops, justice, immigration and many other current issues.

The article is worth reading for a comprehensive summary of the Arhcbishop's views and can be read on his website here.