British Isles – Sagas and Legends – 22 September at 6:30 pm at the Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr
A literary and musical journey into the world of sagas and legends. Let yourself be enchanted by Celtic traditional sounds, fiddle music and songs!
Your guides: Jon Mortimer on the grand piano, Ian Mardon on the violin, Dylan Vaughn on the guitar, Vera Tacke on the cello, Lydia Struck and Jörg Gerhard with their bagpipes from the St. Pauli Pipes & Drums.
Guest: Baritone Richard Morrison from Scotland
TICKETS: 35,00€ incl. drinks & snacks. The proceeds of the evening will go to the Soldatenhilfswerk der Bundeswehr e.V. Please register by email by 15.09.2022 to