Once round the Alster

On 11 November 2017 the Church Wanderers will be walking round the Außenalster as we did in November last year.   We meet at 10:30 in Dammtor Station in front of the Deutsche Bahn Reisezentrum. This is a short walk to suit the cold, dark time of year and will take 2 to 3 hours, depending on how often we feel the need to eat or drink something warming on the way! Please mail Nicki – nicki.schiller (at) gmx.de – by 10:00 p.m. on 10 November if you would like to come.
Please note that the December walk will be on the third Saturday in the month, on 16 December, so that we don’t clash with the Nine Lessons and Carols Service at the Church on the 9th.