
Saturday,16th July Wanderers Picnic in the Stadtpark

The Wanderers are off on a picnic this weekend!

Meet at the exit from the Sierichstrasse U-Bahn at 11.00 h. From there it is a short walk to the Grasweg entrance to the Stadtpark.

As you will probably be sitting on the grass, please bring something suitable to sit on – a rug or cushion and maybe something waterproof, if there has been wet weather and the ground could be damp.

Please bring a picnic, too! It would be good to have a shared lunch.

Sally and Timo's big day!

This Sunday 10th July there will be a Blessing of the Marriage between Sally and Timo as part of the Sunday Service, to be followed by a buffet.

We wish Sally and Timo a wonderful day, and many happy, blessed years together.

New Pause for Thought!

Regular visitors to this site will be aware that there has been an absence of new Thoughts for a while. Your webmaster is pleased to report this has now been rectified, with a very Thoughtful piece from our new locum on the small matter of doubt!

Welcome to our new locum

We extend a warm welcome to the Revd Clifford Poole who is to be our Locum Chaplain until the beginning of September. We appreciate very much that he is able to spend an extended period with us over the summer.

Revd Poole has experience from the Diocese in Europe having previously been a Chaplain in Luxembourg. He studied and taught languages, including German so is no stranger to the culture either. Revd Poole will be joined by his wife Jean for part of the time. Wilkommen in Hamburg!

Sunday 26th June – motorbikes ahead!

MOGO: Hamburg celebrates the Harley Days next week, complete with a motorcycle church service on Sunday, 26th June, from 12:30 – 13:30 h at the Michaelis church. Be aware that driving to and from our church will be difficult next Sunday!

But there will be a service as usual, the Revd John Knott is back to take the service.

This week!

June 20th at 6:00pm there is a Chaplaincy Council Meeting. The Chaplaincy Council are doing a magnificent job in keeping things going during the vacancy period.

On Tuesday 21 June there is a choir practice at 6:30 pm. Newcomers are very welcome.

Please note deadline for Becket News is 25th June. Get your articles in – give the editor something to edit!


Junior Church picnic 19 June

The Junior Church invites everyone in the congregation to the Church picnic on Sunday, 19 June, after the service. There will be a Service of the Word with participation of the Junior Church at 10:30 h on 19 June and prizes for the children of the Junior Church. This will be the last Junior Church meeting before the summer holidays.

Please do come along – it will be a lot of fun!