
This week

Monday 7th November ACKH (Churches Together in Hamburg) meting in the Finnish Church.

Tuesday 8th November 6:30 pm – Choir Practice

Saturday 12th November Wanderers Walk details to be posted.

Count down to the Bazaar!

The Annual Bazaar is a hugely important fund raising event for the church, so please encourage friends and family to plan a visit to the church on this day. Great bargains to be had, not to mention really good nosh.

People to sell raffle tickets (great prizes) are sought, not to mention bottles for the bottle stand, cakes, and many other helping hands.

It's all good fun!

This week…

Monday 31st October is Reformation Day commemorating Martin Luther.

Tuesday 1st November is All Saints Day.

Wednesday 2nd October is All Souls' Day

Ladies Christian Fellowship meets 1st November 2:30 pm – please contact Renu 04103/16584 if you are joining and are not a regular.

Your recipes wanted!

There are moves afoot to put together a new edition of the St Thomas Becket Cookery Book. A chance to get your favorite recipe publsihed! Please see note on pin board in church for further details, or contact Irene or Eileen.

Bible Seminar in Frankfurt

On Saturday 12th November 9.30am – 1:30 pm a two part bible seminar is being held at the Church of Christ the King in Frankfurt to be led by professor and
theologian Rev. Dr. Dittmar Mündel, with a focus on understanding and applying Scripture. An invitation is extended to STB members to join. Please see notice board in church for further details.

Strike the harp and join the chorus!

Do you enjoy singing together with others? Do you like Christmas carols? For this year’s Christmas Carol Service which will be held on Sunday 18th December 2011 at 10:30 am the Choir of St Thomas Becket Hamburg invites everybody to join the choir. Rehearsals for the carol service will be held every Tuesday starting on the 22nd November. We won’t hold a grudge against you if you join us just till the Christmas carol service.

Refer to 'Activities' page under 'Music' for further details.

Choral Evensong 16th October 18:30

On Sunday, 16 October, at 18:30 h, the Ipswich School Chapel Choir from Suffolk, UK, under the direction of Andrew Leach will offer an Evensong service at our church. Many of you will remember this choir, as they have sung at our church in the past. The choir promises to make a “joyful noise”, so please come and enjoy!