
400 years Anglican Church Broadcast 1 May

Susanne Gommert of NDR Info has been taking an interest in our church. Her radio programme 'Wo sich fremde Welten treffen: 400 Jahre Englische Gemeinde in Hamburg (Where Foreign Worlds Meet 400 years of the English congregation in Hamburg) will be broadcast on NDR Info, 92.3 MHz or Kabel 94.05 01 May, Program “Lebenswelten”, at 06:05 and repeated at 17:05.
It stars some people church regulars may know!

Click here for Programme info.

Bible Study Course commencing 2 May

The Lent Bible Study was such a hit that there is a core group who have pestered the Chaplain to continue! All those who would like to join regularly or occasionally are welcome. Kick-off for the Bible Study group is Wednesday 2 May, 19:30 in the Chaplain's flat (Englische Planke 1A). Please bring your own Bible.

Spring Cleaning

All hands on deck please!

Renu is calling all willing scrubbers to join the happy band 12:00-15:00, Saturday 7 April to help make the church look its best for Easter.

Please come along if you can!

New Pause for Thought for Palm Sunday

Sunday, 1 April is Palm Sunday the start of Holy Week, which begins with the enactment of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, only days later to find himself arrested and facing an agonising death. And there is the really interesting part… Easter!

Everyone is welcome to join in the drama of the week through the series of services noted above.

And to get you thinking, there is a new Pause for Thought – A question of loyalty?

Golden Edition of Becket News!

'Just as the golden daffodils are blooming and spring is in the air, so the golden edition of the
Becket News
is published. Yes we have edition 50, a golden anniversary for our church anniversary year!'

So writes the editor BN editor in poetic mode! And it is a truly golden edition.

The editor and contributors hope you enjoy the read, as much as we in Hamburg are enjoying the 400th anniversary celebrations to date.

Please also take the chance and use the STB400 Memories page to leave a message or memory, it can be your way of joining in the celebration.