
Hail and farewell

We welcome Bishop Rupert Hoare as our new locum chaplain. Meanwhile Revd Tania Witter, who had been with us since January, has now returned to the UK. You can read her final sermon here. We are grateful to all our locum chaplains for looking after us so well while we seek to appoint a new permanent chaplain.

Dickens fundraiser for the church: Get your tickets now!

BRIDFAS of Hamburg is generously holding its 17 March lecture in the church at 7pm, with all proceeds donated to church funds. Tickets must be bought in advance.

The lecture, entitled “Charles Dickens, the man and his life through his characters”, is by Bertie Pearce from the UK. The well-known British (Hamburg) actor and comedian Mark Lyndon will be supporting Bertie with several Dickens readings. There will a wine bar, and a raffle of art/heritage and Dickens books is planned.

Pat Pledger, Chairperson of BRIDFAS, hopes to fill the church, so please come along with some of your friends and spread the word about the event. It is open to everybody, but tickets must be bought in advance to ensure there are enough seats. Tickets cost €5 for members of BRIDFAS and the church and €12 for all others. They are available in church or as detailed in this PDF invitation.

Do not miss out on what promises to be a very enjoyable evening – get your tickets now!

Moments of revelation

Have you had a “mountain-top experience”, a moment of revelation, a turning point in your life when you see Jesus for who he really is? That was the question asked by Tania Witter, our locum chaplain, when she preached last Sunday on the Transfiguration. You can read the full text of her sermon here.

Ash Wednesday in church and on Facebook

Tomorrow (10 Feb) is Ash Wednesday, when we enter the season of Lent, remembering the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus spent fasting and praying in the wilderness and beginning our own spiritual journey towards Holy Week and Easter. You can join us in church at 7 pm for an Ash Wednesday service of Holy Communion and imposition of ashes. If you can’t be there, why not tune in to Ash Wednesday live from Lambeth Palace on Facebook – from 1.35 pm German time?

Archbishop reflects on “God moment” at Primates’ Meeting

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has written a reflection on the recent Primates’ Meeting in Canterbury, writing of a “God moment” when the Primates “recognised those we saw as those with whom we are called to journey in hope towards the truth and love of Jesus Christ”. You can read the reflections in full on the Archbishop’s website. Meanwhile the Primate of the Episcopal Church,  Michael Curry, has issued a statement concerning the actions of the Anglican Primates at the meeting. “We are part of the Jesus Movement, and the cause of God’s love in this world can never stop and will never be defeated,” he says.

Please sign up for Lent course

Our locum chaplain Tania Witter will be leading a Lent course every Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. during Lent starting on 17 February. The course is called Faith Pictures and describes itself as “a fresh way to talk about things that matter”. Sessions will last about 1½ hours and will be held in the chaplain’s flat (Englische Planke 1A, opposite the Michel). If you plan to come, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the board in church or e-mail the church: info (at)

All welcome in Diocese in Europe

“Following from the Primates’ Meeting and their communiqué, my office has already received enquiries from clergy and members of the Episcopal Church about whether they are welcome in our Diocese in Europe,” writes Bishop David Hamid. “We need to reaffirm in a strong way our commitment to live and serve the Lord together in this relationship we have developed of loving communion within the Church. The strategy document of the Diocese in Europe is called ‘Walking Together in Faith’. A key part of the strategy is valuing and sustaining a culture of welcome, invitation and hospitality.” Read Bishop David’s full response to the communiqué from the Primates’ Meeting here.

What’s in your cupboard?

The Church Recording group would like to hear from any member of the church community who might be looking after any church items. A lovely vase, which had been left with somebody for safekeeping, turned up some months ago, and there might be other things. As the project’s recording the interior of the church, all such things are relevant and of interest to the recording group. Likewise if anyone has any interesting historical information that might be of use in this project, please contact the project coordinator, Pat Pledger of BRIDFAS.