Good quality, clean and pressed clothes are still needed for the clothes stall at the church fleamarket on 6 May (see events below and our Facebook page). Also welcome are scarves, handbags, shoes/boots, toys, bric-a-brac, small furniture, sports items, etc. and cakes. Please contact Yotin (0176-72364865) to arrange a time to drop things off. Also, Lottie would welcome help setting up on 5 May. Please contact her if you can help: 0174-5682759/ info (at)
AGM 23 April: beware Marathon!
Our Annual General Meeting, at which the churchwardens and chaplaincy council are elected, will be held on 23 April after the Sunday service. All those on the electoral roll are eligible to vote. Please note that the Hamburg Marathon is on the same day. Come by public transport and allow extra time for the journey.
Wanderers head for Bad Segeberg again
If you missed this great walk last year, here is your chance to do it at last! Richard and Catherine Perrin will be leading you round the lake at Bad Segeberg on Saturday, 8 April. This is really idyllic countryside and could even include climbing the Kalkberg – OK, it’s only 80 metres high!
Meeting Point: Hamburg Hauptbahnhof in front of the DB Reise Zentrum at about 10:40. This allows time for buying group tickets for the train, the RE8 (Lübeck-Travemünde Strand) which leaves at 11:04. After changing trains at Bad Oldesloe, you arrive in Bad Segeberg at 11:53 where Richard and Catherine will meet you at the station.
Please bring a light lunch. There are also many great cafés to look forward to at the end of the walk.
Please let Nicki Schiller know by Thursday, 6 April if you plan to come: 0176 30 393 063, nicki.schiller(at)
Tallis Evensong Friday
The Anglican Consort and the Isabella Recorder Concert join forces this Friday, 31 March at 6 pm for a service of Choral Evensong with music by Thomas Tallis. For details please see our Facebook page.
Get your tickets for a special concert
Pianist Clare Hammond will be giving a recital in church on 29 March 2017 at 19:30. Recently awarded the Royal Philharmonic Society’s ‘Young Artist’ Award, she is forging a reputation as a presenter of brilliantly imaginative concert programmes. For details and tickets, please click the box “Clare Hammond” on the start page.
Wanderers in search of spring
On 11 March Church Wanderers will be walking from Ohlstedt to Poppenbüttel. This is approx. 9 kilometres of woodland, water, park landscape and hills. With luck we will see the first signs of spring! Meeting point is the U-1 Station at Ohlstedt at 10:53. This means taking the U1 which leaves Hauptbahnhof Süd at 10:18. (If we all get into the third carriage, we can travel together.)
We’ve joined RSCM
Fr Leslie makes the Abendblatt
Today’s Hamburger Abendblatt carries an interview with our chaplain, Revd Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel. (Just to set the record straight, ours is not the oldest Anglican church building in continental Europe, but we are one of the oldest Anglican congregations, and maybe even the oldest. The jury’s still out on that one.)
Becket News out now
The latest edition of Becket News, our quarterly chaplaincy magazine, is just out. You can pick up a copy in church or find it on this website (download 752 kB).
Choral Evensong for Candlemas
This year we’re having choral evensong once a month. We aim to make this wonderful service, unique to our Anglican tradition, an important and enduring element in the worshipping life of our church. Come and join us this Friday, 27 January at 6pm for a service with music by Tallis, Gibbons and Mendelssohn.
Evensong is not just for the choir, and it’s not a concert either. If you’ve never been before, or if you’re already a fan from your visits to Anglican cathedrals, come and join in this beautiful service of reflection, prayer and thanksgiving to round off the working week. You can find more information about Friday’s service on our Facebook page. Details of all the evensongs for the first half of the year can be found and downloaded here (205 kB).