June 5, 2023 at 07:30 pm at STB, Zeughausmarkt 22

A big thank you to those of you who came to the Coronation lecture: Crown, Orb and Sceptre, given by Revd Jules A Barnes on 4 May.
Those who heard the lecture will have gained insight into the unique symbolism of the coronation and its continuity with the past.
The next event, which we invite you to note, is a Benefit Concert: ‘Music fit for a King’, to be given by Claire Barnett-Jones (mezzo soprano) and Sholto Kynoch (piano) in the church on 5 June at 19:30.
Claire Barnett-Jones is very much a rising star, having won the 2021 Cardiff Singer of the World audience prize, and who will go on from this concert to sing at Bayreuth. Claire has teamed up with Sholto Kynoch, Founding Director of the Oxford Lieder Festival, who performed at the last Benefit Concert ‘Magic and Myths’ held in the church in 2019.
Details of the concert and ticket ordering can be downloaded here:
We do hope you can support this special evening. It provides opportunity to enjoy music of the highest class with the chance to meet the musicians over a glass wine and finger food afterwards.
Please do forward the invitation to anyone who you may know might appreciate such an evening.