More Australians in town! Free concert in the HafenCity 7 July.

Our Chaplain Fr Matthew has found some reinforcements!

On Sunday, 7 July at 7:00 pm the Australian Chamber Choir under the direction on Douglas Lawrence will be giving a concert entitled BRIDGE OF DREAMS at the Ökumenisches Forum HafenCity, Shanghaiallee 12-14, 20457 Hamburg. The theme is bridge building between the old and new world and this is reflected in the music that will be performed. The choir itself represents the multi-cultural society that Australia has become, with both professional and amateur musicians.

The concert is sponsored by the Rolner Stiftung in support of the Ökumenische Forum. Entrance is free but donations for the work of the Ökumenische Forum will be gratefully received.

After the concert there is a chance to meet members of the choir in Café ElbFaire.

Please do support this event and encourage others to come along. Our Chaplain will be there!