Marching through the heather

No, nothing to do with the vote on Scottish independence, but the next walk with the Church Wanderers, who are off to Fischbeker Heide on Saturday 13 September with the aim of enjoying the heather in bloom. There are two routes, a short one of about 5km and a longer one of about 9km. Please bring a picnic and travel on the S3 train departing Hamburg Hbf from Gleis 4 at 10.58 (dep Altona 10.44, Landungsbrücken 10.50). Try to get in a carriage near the front and get out at Harburg Rathaus to catch a relief bus to Neugraben and then the 250 bus to Fischbeker Heideweg, arriving soon after 11.30. Please let Cicely know by 12 noon on Friday, 12 September if you plan to come: cicely-hollingsworth (at), tel: 040/86 07 90, mobile: 0162 635 93 98.