
St Thomas à Becket Church does not receive any funding from the Church of England, or from Kirchensteuer (German church tax). It is entirely reliant on donations and money raised through the annual bazaar, the sale of Christmas cards, concerts and other events to pay for the upkeep of the church building and cover the running costs of the chaplaincy – mainly the salary and housing costs of a full-time chaplain.

Fundraising Project: Help us get our heating back on track!

General donations:

Please consider making a regular donation to the church so that it can continue to provide Christian ministry in English in Hamburg, which it has done for over 400 years. Any donation, however large or small, will help us keep the Anglican Church active in Hamburg serving the English-speaking community and living up to our mission statement to be “A welcoming active and inclusive church….”. A small amount from lots of people is all it takes!

We accept donations via Paypal and direct bank transfer.

To donate through Paypal, please click here:

Our bank details can be found below. Please mark any transfers as “Spende” if you wish to receive a tax certificate.

Donations can be made to the church account direct:
Englisch-bischofl. Gemeinde -HH
Hamburger Sparkasse,
IBAN: DE46 2005 0550 1280 1464 22

or in sterling and marked For St Thomas Becket, Hamburg (very important or else the money goes elsewhere)
to the Diocese in Europe’s UK bank account:

Barclays Bank plc
Account name: Diocese in Europe Fund
IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39
Swiftbic: BUKBGB22