Celebrating 25 years of Meissen: Archibishop’s message

It is 25 years since the Meissen Agreement between the Church of England and the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland was signed, with one of its goals the full visible unity between our churches. In a message to the Meissen Commission to mark the 25th anniversary, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby writes: “As we celebrate 25 years of Meissen and plan the 500th anniversary of the Reformation I pray that we continue in our efforts to build a confident church in a pluralistic and troubled Europe across all barriers.” The full text of the message, in which he also thanks our chaplain designate, the Revd Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel, and the other co-secretary of the commission, OKR Revd Christoph Ernst, for their tireless work, can be found here. You can read more about the Meissen Commission on the websites of the Church of England and (in German) the EKD.