Wandering through the purple heather

On Saturday, 9 September the Church Wanderers will be walking in the Lüneburger Heide from Buchholz to Büsenbachtal. The walk is 11 kilometres through forest and heath where the heather should still be in full bloom. We aim to eat our sandwiches whilst enjoying the view from the top of the Brunsberg (129m) and have time to enjoy the legendary cake at the “Schafstall” in Büsenbachtal before taking the train home.

Meeting point in front of the Reise Zentrum at the Hauptbahnhof at 9:50.  This gives us time to get group tickets if necessary .The journey is within the HVV Gesamtbereich. We will take the RE4 to Buchholz (via Harburg) which leaves at 10:15 and arrives at Buchholz at 10:37.

Anke will be leading the walk and we are really looking forward to seeing you.  Please mail Nicki – nicki.schiller (at) gmx.de – by Friday, 8 September if you want to join us.

Tudor Evensong tonight

This evening, Friday 30 June, at 6 pm our own Anglican Consort, directed by Yotin Tiewtrakul, will be singing Choral Evensong with all pieces by Tudor composers. Music includes Gibbons: Almighty and everlasting God, Gibbons: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis from the Short Service and Sheppard: In manus tuas. Our Chaplain, Revd Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel, will be officiating. Come and join us as we pause at the end of the week for some meditative calm and beautiful music!

Sir Jeffrey Tate

Sad news: Sir Jeffrey Tate, chief conductor of the Hamburger Sinfoniker, has died aged 74. Sir Jeffrey was a good friend to our church, last visiting in March to hear Clare Hammond play. Together with Daniel Hope and Sebastian Knauer, Sir Jeffery gave a gala benefit concert at the church in February 2012 during our 400th anniversary. Further details in English can be found on the websites of the BBC and Deutsche Welle.

New Youth Club

A Youth Club for the over-11s kicks off in June, with meetings alternating between a weekday evening and a Sunday. It will be launched after the Sunday service on 4 June. Please see the website events calendar for further details.

A prayer in the light of the tragedy in Manchester

A prayer by Father Leslie Nathaniel:
Almighty God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, the violent assault in Manchester has brought pain, tears, and anger to people across Britain and beyond. We grieve with a nation in shock at the loss of so many innocent lives, both children and adults. We ask you to receive the souls of those who have died, and we pray for the gifts of healing and peace on all those who are injured. We remember before you those tending to the injuries and pain in body and mind of those affected by the attack.
Grant peace, comfort, and patience to all the grieving families, friends, colleagues and loved ones at this difficult time. We ask you to bring security and peace to the people in the city of Manchester and to all in Britain. Safeguard and strengthen the bonds of unity and friendship between the diverse communities that they may work together against the forces that would sow division and hatred.
We at the Anglican Church of St Thomas Becket also pray to you, the source of all life, that you bless us with the light of your presence in our midst, and we look for your mercies. May we be blessed with your protection through all the changing scenes of life and with the resolve to make peace.
Lord make us channels of your peace. Where there is hatred let us bring your love. Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair in life, let us bring hope. Where there is darkness, only light. And where there is sadness, ever joy (after St Francis of Assisi 1181–1226).

Worship material for the G20 summit

global.gerecht.gestalten, the church alliance for the G20 summit in Hamburg on 7 and 8 July, has published material that can be used by churches as a basis for their prayers for peace on Friday 7 July at 1800 hrs. It includes a suggested format prepared by our own chaplain, Revd Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel.

The material can be found on our website or downloaded from the alliance’s website: global-gerecht-gestalten.de

The alliance was founded to accompany the summit with prayer and action and to participate in peaceful activities before and during the summit. Its goal is to campaign for sustainable, viable development and draw attention to the churches’ standpoints on the issues addressed by the G20 summit.