Before the 2025 AGM, our electoral roll must be completely renewed from scratch—so everyone needs to apply or reapply. (This renewal takes place every six years under church law.)
There are several ways for you to obtain and submit the form:
- You can download the form directly from the Diocese in Europe website: Application for Enrolment on the Chaplaincy Electoral Roll, or you can collect a printed copy in church.
- Once completed, you can return the form by email to the Electoral Roll Officer, Dorothee Moeller (, or hand it in in person to Dorothee or one of the churchwardens. If you would like to submit it by email but do not have a scanner, a clear photograph of the form is perfectly fine, provided all details are readable.
If you experience any issues downloading the form from the Diocese’s website, please contact Dorothee, who will be happy to email it to you instead.