Open Thursdays are back starting 7 July!

Our church building in Zeughausmarkt is there ‘7 whole days’ – so why not spend some time there on a Thursday this month too? 

Every week, the building will be open between 11.00 and 15.00.

So, pop in and visit or take a quiet moment; meet a friend, or have a cup of tea, or bring your summer visitors to have a look around our historic building. There is also a short said Eucharist starting at 12.00 noon each week, and lasting 30 minutes. 

Our chaplain, Jules, will need someone to be officially ‘on duty’ with her during these ‘Open Thursdays’, so if you can volunteer, please sign up on the list in church, or email Jules (chaplain (at) with the date(s) you can do. Thank you!