Would you like to be confirmed by the Bishop this year?

If you feel that St. Thomas is your church, and you would like to learn more about your faith, this could be the thing for you; and a real affirmation and blessing, as you affirm your commitment.

There will be a course of preparation (around six sessions), with the topics of God, the Bible, worship and Anglicanism and plenty of opportunity to explore both your questions and doubts. You can potentially be confirmed at any age, so this is an invitation to adults as well as younger people too.

Please get in touch with the Chaplain (chaplain (at) anglican-church-hamburg.de) to express your interest, or to ask for further details. 

Invitation to sign up for the STB Lent course 2023

This year’s course will be based around the film ‘The Theory of Everything’ (2014, about Stephen Hawking.) As part of each group sessions we will watch clips from the film (technology permitting), but please do view the film in advance too if you wish. 

The course is organised to run over the five weeks of Lent, and will consist of 1. a group meeting each week in Zeughausmarkt, AND  2. a short daily Bible passage and reflection for you to undertake as individual devotion, for each day inbetween. All materials provided. 

The Lent course group sessions will be offered on Thursdays AND Sundays in Zeughausmarkt 22 (upstairs in the warm room), with a maximum of 8 places in each – ie 16 places in total. Pre-registration is required, please email chaplain (at) anglican-church-hamburg.de to register.

Save the Date: World Day of Prayer Service

Theme: ‘I have seen your faith’ (Ephesians 1:15)

On Saturday 25th February at 15.00, we will hold a World Day of Prayer worship service in Zeughausmarkt 22. The host country this year is Taiwan.

You are warmly welcomed to attend, learn more about Christianity in Taiwan, as well as explore this year’s theme. Christian groups from churches across Hamburg attend this service, and it is a good opportunity to share stories across the board.