We’ve updated our website

Seven years since the Anglican Church of St Thomas Becket first went online, we’ve redesigned our website. You should find it better to use on smart phones and tablets. You can now comment on posts and you should find it easier to switch to our Facebook page (button at top right). Please let us know what you think. If you’re missing things you liked on our old page, tell us. We haven’t thrown anything away! We’re very grateful to John Heaven of Heaven & Weps who has kindly taken care of the design and development of this site.

Reconciliation in our DNA

Reconciliation seems to be in the DNA of Anglicanism, says the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. “Despite our own differences, we seem to find ourselves doing this stuff.” Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington on 13 October, the Archbishop said a majority of Anglican provinces were facing persecution or were in actual conflict or post-conflict. He also said that the mainstreams of all faiths must “challenge and subvert” radicalisation and religiously-motived violence within their traditions. Read more on this story and watch a video of the interview with Justin Welby on the ACNS website.

Huge trees and river views

The Wanderers' October walk is on Saturday 10th – yes, this coming Saturday! This is the walk from Tesperhude to Lauenburg which we enjoyed in spring two years back. It’s a lovely walk whatever the season, about 9 km on good paths with huge trees, river views and even little beaches closer to Lauenburg. So do put on your walking shoes, grab a couple of sandwiches for a picnic lunch and join in. Because of weekend work on the S21 railway line, travel will have to be by bus, leaving ZOB on the number 31 bus at 08:51. Please let Nicki Schiller know by Friday evening if you plan to come. She can give you further travel details (Landline 04104 695537; mobile 0176 30393063 or Nicki.Schiller (at) gmx.de.).