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Tax certificates (Spendenbescheinigung) for donations made in 2024

These have been handed out/posted. If you have not received your certificate, but have made donations please email treasury@anglican-church-hamburg.de. We can only send certificates if we have your correct address. For some donors we are missing addresses completely. A huge thank you to all who donate to the church. Regular donations by standing order are particularly appreciated…

Church Electoral Roll renewal 2025

Before the 2025 AGM, our electoral roll must be completely renewed from scratch—so everyone needs to apply or reapply. (This renewal takes place every six years under church law.) There are several ways for you to obtain and submit the form: You can download the form directly from the Diocese in Europe website: Application for Enrolment on the Chaplaincy Electoral…

First Wanderers outing of 2025

Our walking group, the Church Wanderers, meets for the first time this year on 8 March for a central Hamburg walk, about 6km. We're starting at 10 a.m. at U St. Pauli to walk through the Wallanlagen and by the Alster. Please contact Jo on wanderers@anglican-church-hamburg.de if you want to join us.

Dates to note

About us


Our main service is the Parish Eucharist (Holy Communion) on Sundays at 10:30 am. You can find further information about this and all other services here.

Musical services


Music is an important part of our services, while the church hosts many concerts. If you’re coming regularly to worship at St Thomas Becket and love to sing you might consider joining the choir.


The Chaplain

In Hamburg, as in many churches in the Diocese, the minister is called the chaplain. Our Chaplain is Revd Jules A. Barnes. For details of how to reach her and our churchwardens, please see Contact.


Please donate

St Thomas à Becket Church is entirely reliant on donations and money raised through events to cover costs. Please help us continue to provide Christian ministry in English in Hamburg.

Film: On Tour with Henry and Mabel

On Tour with Henry and Mabel – a film about the History of the Anglican Church of St Thomas à Becket by Birgit Kiupel and Andre Piontek